Bike Check: SC-4
SC-4 singlespeed trail bike
Bike Check: SC-3
SC-3 gravel bike for XC tires
Bike Check: SC-2
SC-2 fatbike, the next "short crank" frame
Bike Check: SC-1
A look at SC-1, the first of my "short crank" bikes.
The Legend of KOPS
What exactly is KOPS and is it a myth?
The Tractor Paper
The mythical tractor wheel study of 29er lore
Crankarm Chronicles Pt.2
Crank length experiments revisited
Crankarm Chronicles Pt.1
Early crank length experiments
Blogging returns
The shit state of the net means time to personalize it
In progress
- More on crank length
- Bike fit then and now
- Movement from the center